Vrunda Vaghela, LEED AP
Senior Director | Enterprise Community Partners
Vrunda Vaghela is a Senior Director at Enterprise Community Partners, focused on comprehensive community development strategies that lead to equitable outcomes. Vrunda has led the development of several cross-cutting initiatives to address a range of issue areas at both national and local scales, including public health and affordable housing, economic mobility, and climate resilience strategies to preserve affordable multifamily housing in the face of climate change. Vrunda has also worked internationally to develop community-driven urban development programs empowering under-served communities to address issues of housing, infrastructure, land tenure, and women's livelihoods in Gujarat, India, and Kigali, Rwanda. She began her career as an architect in Washington, D.C., focusing on high-performance and energy efficient building design. Vrunda earned a Master of Urban Planning from the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, and graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Architecture.
My journey doesn't name a specific destination, rather unfolds through my personal and professional growth and evolution towards a better self, and ultimately a more equitable society.
- See Vrunda’s Presentation Below -